Cruising Tips

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Atlantic City - at the Golden Nugget Marina

The upper deck of the Golden Nugget offers a pool for all guests, including us
Having no other source of information, we have to look at the predictions even though our confidence in their accuracy has been sorely impacted.The weather patterns of late are rather variable even without an active hurricane season. It seems that we have a 1/2 day window to go south on Thursday afternoon, provided you believe the forecasts. The swells from the hurricane out in the Atlantic are due to subside as the day progresses giving us the opportunity to reach Cape May in the afternoon. We will examine the forecasts Thursday morning, cast a few bones, look at the horoscope and then decide.

Here's the Coast Guard station anchorage, always an alternative
If we do go, we'll probably reach Cohansey on Friday afternoon and then Chesapeake City by Saturday. Then we would breathe a collective sigh of relief upon completing the most taxing part of our passage south, at least for us.

We're tucked in, several boats down
We just met a couple that just bought a 50 foot Beneteau to replace their 34 foot sailboat, what a move up! It seems to us that they have tons of room, more than us. We wish them luck. They are not yet retired so the boat won't see full time use for a few years.

Well, we don't have a ouija board available so we'll have to make due with best guesses on the weather, wish us luck.

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