Cruising Tips

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Atlantic City - at the Golden Nugget Marina

Our home for the next few days
You would think that with access to all the latest weather forecast technology that the forecasts would be accurate - WRONG! The predictions were for 5 to 10 kts of wind out of the north so where did the 15 to 20 kts of wind out of the southesast come from?? So instead of the wind behind us, we had the wind on the nose for the first five hours complete with 3 to 5 ft waves coming over the bow. Unfortunately, we had neglected to secure one of the forward hatches and much became wet, including Ann's new cellphone which now does not work.

We're surrounded by casinoa
Wind eventually did turn from the north but not until we had endured a beating. It was never a case of being out of control, just uncomfortable. The afternoon was different even as the wind peaked to 20 kts but out of the north, not a problem for a boat heading south. We left at 6:00 am and reached Atlantic City by 5:00 pm.

Coming into Atlantic City, we called and the dockmaster said, "Oh yes, I remember you". We tend to get that response more and more as we continue our travel south over the years. The city here is on the ropes with several big casinos closing. They have slipped to number three in size with Vegas and Pennsylvania being one and two. They have a hard time competing with casinos being much closer to populations centers. Now even more are being  built in New York. However, the marina seems to be okay, they have a unique location and very protected although we don't do much in the Golden Nugget.

We'll sit here and study the predictions although I sometimes wonder if flipping a coin would be better. The swells from the hurricane out in the Atlantic are due to arrive over the next three days so we'll problem stay at the marina until the Atlantic calms down before continuing on to Cape May.

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