Cruising Tips

Monday, April 7, 2014

Stadler Point Marina in Jacksonville - We get our genset serviced

First things first, we got up early to see the sunset and get ready for genset servicing
It pays to be a contortionist. For people that work on gensets, it's a great asset! They are usually located in very confined areas of a boat with very little room, if any, on any side of the engine. In our case, it was installed in the starboard locker which, as a rule, is much better than on most boats. Still, it's very tight. So today we had the yearly checkup with service on the oil and filter (changed), fuel filters changed, impeller changed (fine) and the zinc changed (not good, all gone!) So now we know to look at the zinc more often than once per year, probably once every three months. The main engine, the Volvo diesel, doesn't have a zinc. Volvo maintains that all the metals used in the engine are compatible and will not attack each other under galvanic action. However, the genset does have a zinc and it's not a very big one. I'll buy a few extras and check more regularly.

You just kind of curl around the genset to reach the impeller - which is NEVER conveniently placed...
We're watching the approaching front on weather radar. It's due to hit us later tonight and last all day Tuesday. With that we're going to stay the night and also Tuesday and leave on Wednesday for Fernandina. That will give me a chance to complete taxes on Tuesday (oh joy...) April 15 is approaching quickly.

We were entertained throughout the day and night with trains crossing the automatic bridge
One of the good things about Sadler Point Marina is the closeness of a shopping center with both a Publix and a good department store, Belk. We are now restocked and ready to ride out the coming storm. When you're on a boat, you get the weather up close and personal! One of the bad things is the closeness of the Amtrak car trains to Florida!

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