Cruising Tips

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sadler Point Marina in Jacksonville - at a dock

This bridge was out of commission until today!
A flood tide was supposed to start at 11:00 at the mouth of the St John's river but with all the recent rain, it was late. We reached the river and found a 1.5 kt tide against us, ugh! The current tables are not always accurate.

The downtown free docks are in the heart of Jacksonville
Onward we motored until reaching Sadler Point Marina. It's the same marina that installed our new Kohler genset last year and we thought it would be a good idea for them to do the first yearly checkup. The genset came with a five year warranty so we wanted to start out on the right foot. It only has 99 hours on it after one year, hardly broken in and after our first bout with a defective oil pressure sensor, it's been the model of reliability.

One of the few places where boats are wet stored undercover (no sailboats!)
Sadler Point Marina is 15 miles down the St Johns river and it has a mean current flow. You had better pay attention to when ebb tide is due, which we did, since it can run 2.5 to 3.0 kts! We'll have the checkup done on Monday and hopefully get out of there on Tuesday morning and head north to Fernandina with enough time so I can do taxes, April 15 is coming up soon!

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