Cruising Tips

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tavernier - At Blue Waters Marina at a dock

Nice community of retired folks - easy going people
The weather was a go for going east. There was an east wind but it was only 7 to 9 kts and the seas were calm so we headed out around 8:15 or so. The time change got us in the morning, a little later in getting up per the clock reset.

The trip east to Tavernier was uneventful which is fine with us. We noticed once again that we could clearly see the sea bottom as we approached Tavernier, even in 20 ft of water. It causes a double take on the depth finder to be sure you're in deep enough water since it looks so shallow.

We didn't quite fit in the slip so we're stuck out - but snug
On the way into the marina, we noticed a 4.2 MLW (mean low water depth - the depth a low tide) at the approach entrance but since we had a 1.7 ft tide at the time, there was no problem with our 4' 9" keel. One has to pay attention to depths and tides in the Keys.

So I filled the water tanks, Ann did a wash and I walked Hoolie. With that we're all set for the last leg out of the Keys to Marine Stadium and a rest before going on to Ft Lauderdale and the spring breakers Wednesday or Thursday.

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