Cruising Tips

Monday, March 10, 2014

Marine Stadium in Miami - A flat sea day

Sunrise coming our of Tavernier
After an overnight stay at Blue Seas Marina where we took on water and did laundry, we found the seas to be flat calm. We got out at 7:30 and headed east. There was nary a wave as we exited Tavernier and we cleared the 4.3 ft bar since we had a 1.2 ft tide in our favor.

Approaching Miami
We were greeted with a great sunrise, one of the few we've seen on this trip. With the time change, the sunrise is later relative to our non-adjusted bodies so far so we were up. With the calm weather we set anchor at Marine Stadium at 3:30 pm in the northeast corner, our favorite spot for easy access to Hoolie relief.

We've got to get one of these!
We didn't see the usual array of shells or racing sleds but we did see the single man sailing sled on hydrofoils, I guess it's a staple around here. We plan on  being here until Sunday we think unless the weather changes drastically. The price is right! ($0) and Hoolie relief is nearby. On Sunday we're headed for Ft Lauderdale and points north but for now we'll rest here.

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