Cruising Tips

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Key West - warm day, relaxed day - what else...

The sculptures actually moved
On a Sunday morning it's a trip down to the local bakery for pastries - a tradition in our family. After a suitable recovery from breakfast, we walked back to the street art exhibit so Ann could spend a little more time talking to the artists, comparing notes so to speak. We walked on the shady side of the street to avoid the heat of the sun, it's hot down here (82 today).

Orchids - growing along the sidewalk in town 
We were relaxing on the back of our boat when friends we had met before dropped by on their fishing boat with two fillets of Tilefish, good for two dinners. We had the first one tonight, it had been caught this afternoon and we watched as he filleted it for us - can't get any fresher than that!

Typical of the many schooners in harbor
We passed by BO's Fish Wagon and Schooner Wharf when walking Hoolie tonight and the weekend crowds seemed to have thinned out some. Hopefully it will be less crowded during the week. Meanwhile, we're watching the weather for our return trip north. We really do not want to motor into 15 to 20 kt winds on the way east so we're looking for a calm day which appears to be Friday or Saturday at the present time. Needless to say, the time has absolutely flown!! Only yesterday we arrived...

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