Cruising Tips

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Key West - Key West Craft Show

Typical array of display tents
For the last two years Ann's had various ailments which precluded the several block walk to the craft show held the last weekend in February. This year however, she's feeling much better and we walked over to the she show this morning. At least 100 artists had rented space at the show so we took our time and saw the sights. Unfortunately, taking photos is frowned upon by the artists (stealing their work?) so I could only take a few pictures from a distance - but I got a great picture of a popcorn vendor!

The main drag, nice popcorn vendor...
The array of talent goes from "You shouldn't really be doing this" to "Wow, you are really good, much better than anyone else here". Of course, they are out to sell their wares but with the limited space on our boat, we didn't buy anything. Also, it was very hot with us dodging to the shady side of the street whenever possible (high of 81 today).

It was fun just to walk down among the artists and their displays
Going down Duval Street we found that the crowds have now converged on Key West, more so than earlier in February. I understand that we are still ahead of the spring break bunch but they're due in a couple of weeks so we're aiming to leaving this coming Friday for Marathon. The problem there is that they may be full (no moorings) so we'll wait and see. On the way down we skipped Marathon altogether but on the way back we may have to stop to pick up some routine medications for Ann.

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