Cruising Tips

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Key West - time to go :(

Not sure what these leaves were, it's the natural color of a plant down here - I like the red color

We are leaving Key West a day earlier than required by our reservations due to a west wind on Thursday. A west wind down here is rather rare since the wind is usually out of the east this far south. On the run up the Hawk Channel, a west wind is a welcomed push. Our only concern is whether the Marathon mooring field is full or not. If it is, we'll have to anchor out and wait for a mooring to be freed.

A meeting place along the Harbor Walk
So we're pumped out and the water tanks are full and the TV is cancelled with all the boxes returned, we're ready. The forecast is for scattered thunderstorms with the west wind (a front is coming through) followed by high winds at night, Marathon looks inviting as opposed to Newfound Harbor.

For our going away dinner, I bought sea scallops at the local fish market and Ann found a recipe from  Molly Stevens Fine Cooking off the internet, "Seared Scallops with Herb-Butter Sauce", very good. It's like a summer night here for our nightly walk of Hoolie. We stopped and listened to the latest performer at Schooner Wharf, they always have someone who's pretty good, sad to leave.

Thursday morning update!! The weather has deteriorated with thunderstorms and rain squalls with winds 15 to 20 kts, we're now staying Thursday and Friday. Saturday looks like a good day for easting. 

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