Cruising Tips

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Key West - Bottom scraped, oil changed, almost ready to go

The smallest of the three ships in today - how can this be enjoyable?
It still looks like Thursday is our exit day to head east, at least with the current forecast. So today I had the bottom scraped and prop cleaned so we would be sure to reach our cruising speed of 7.3 kts. The diver took about an hour to do the boat, the dinghy and replace the zinc - so we are all ready in that respect. I changed the engine oil and filter. On Wednesday I'll take the cable box back and cancel the service. On the way back I'll stop by Publix for last minute provisioning. Back at the dock I'll do a pump out and refill the water tanks - ready to go!

The thing about pelicans is that they keep the seagulls away, fine with me!
It's been fun in Key West and I've already made reservations for next year, same dates, same dock. However, for now we're headed back north but not too quickly, we like the warm weather too much. It looks like we'll meet up with Kwak in Vero Beach. We got an email from him today that he's going to stay there for a couple of months and he'll be there when we pass through.

One last look at night in Key West Bight Harbor
It's another gorgeous night here (75F) but Ann closed up the cockpit when the temperature dropped below 78, kind of cool... When I was out running this morning, I passed a local on a bicycle who had a jacket on and long pants (temp at 72), cool to them. Well, a busy day on Wednesday and then we're off.

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