Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Tavernier - at a dock at Blue Waters Marina

The turning bay at Tavernier
We started out right when we wanted to, at 7:15 and headed south for the nearest fuel dock. We arrived just as they opened for the day at 8:00 am and was out of there by 8:15, a real pit stop for us. We had 50 miles to go and didn't want to waste any time.

Palm trees everywhere
There were small craft advisors out yesterday but today was supposed to have much less wind. As we exited Miami out the Florida Passage, the waves did build up some (wind against current) but when we turned the corner we put out the headsail and headed south at 8.0 kts (with the aid of the iron genny, not enough wind and we had far to go). We also had to arrive with a favorable tide which peaked at 3:15 since the entrance was a little shallow at 4.6 ft at low tide. Nevertheless, we made good time and arrived around 3:30 with plenty of tide in our favor. In this area of the Keys the water is so clear you can easily see the bottom and it looks more shallow than it actually is due to the clarity.

Nice dockwalk
Once inside the entrance, it is very narrow, barely enough room for one boat but we did pass two boats going the other way and somehow found more room than was apparent. You would like to take photos at a time like that but the captain was rather busy.

Now we're peacefully docked, the night is clear, the stars are out, the air is warm, what more to want? We're finally in the tropics!

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