Cruising Tips

Friday, January 24, 2014

Marine Stadium at Miami - Last day

Several iguanas were sunning themselves on the north side of the anchorage
The winds whipped up as predicted into the 20's so we continued to sit out the weather in Marine Stadium. However, the next four days are supposed to be ideal for traveling south and we plan on taking advantage of the weather window. On Saturday we're aiming for Tavernier, the halfway point between Marine Stadium and Marathon. It's a little over 50 miles so we'll head out at first light. Unfortunately, we have to take on fuel first so that will involve a stop of about an hour to do that. If all goes according to plan (!) we'll be in Tavernier by 4:00 pm.

One last sunset at Marine Stadium
It was windy but warm in the cockpit with the full sun so Ann did some more work on her pastel while I was down in the cabin doing boat stuff. In the afternoon we took a ride around the perimeter of the anchorage on the north side. There's lots of wildlife in the area. We spotted ospreys, iguanas, heron and, of course, the ever present vultures.

One last view of Miami at night from Marine Stadium
Coming back to the boat, we did our usual thing with wine while watching the sunset. We never get tired of doing that, every sunset is different. And then, of course, the lights came out again on the Miami skyline, just stunning. The wind has quieted down as predicted now in the anchorage so we're looking forward to finally moving again Saturday morning. It will be a long run with the 50 mile trip and on top of that we have to refuel first so it will be a long day.

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