Cruising Tips

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Titusville - getting ready

Fresh fish for dinner!
The area is a resource for the local people. Although the dog park is right next door to the marina, almost all of the users are from town. Ann goes over almost every day with Hoolie and sits and chats at the community picnic table. I usually throw the ball to Hoolie who runs and runs and runs, until he can run no more - he doesn't know "quit". There is always someone fishing by the shore next to the marina. I supposed it's not only free, it's fresh and tastes good. We haven't gotten into fishing yet, Ann doesn't want anything to do with cleaning a fish.

The manatees are always around and today we saw one with a baby manatee. He (or she?) was right  beside his mother with a face only a month could love! As usual, Hoolie was quick to alert us and prevented a manatee boarding... He's good at that, never been one yet.

On Wednesday I'll pick up the car we'll have for the next 1.5 months on our trip north and back. This time we've used Hertz since they had a special for $948 with all taxes and fees included for the almost two month rental. It was cheaper to keep the car than pay the one-way fees for two separate rentals. Cold weather, here we come!

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