Cruising Tips

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Titusville - end of blog until January 7th

One last look at the bridge to Merritt Island and the Kennedy Space Center
We've come to that time of the cruise when Ann and I return north for the holidays. We'll eat Thanksgiving turkey, open Christmas presents and celebrate the new year. We may even see a little snow (the little the better) before returning to Titusville around January 7th or so to continue our cruise south to Key West.

We've packed the only cold weather gear we have, long pants, and will head north on Thursday. We expect a severe weather change but at least it's only for a little less than two months. It's enough for us to get our fill of winter weather and we do want to see the grandkids, it'll be fun.

So tonight it's goodnight to Titusville, they'll look after Fleetwing, it's snug and secure here and we'll meet again in January. Be sure to mark your calendars for January 7th when we expect to return and I'll restart the blog then for the rest of the trip to Key West and return in the spring. It's been fun, I hope you've enjoyed following the blog, I've enjoyed writing it.

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