Cruising Tips

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pamlico Plantation - at a dock reserved by Don and Liz Bunch

It's a long walk out to our boat - but nice docks
The night at the Pungo River anchorage was perfectly still and the sky was without a moon, very dark. The sky was alive with stars rarely seen where there's more light pollution. The Milky Way reached right to the horizon, a glorious sight. We live in a spiral galaxy and the Milky Way is our view, edge-on towards the center, of that galaxy - 200 to 400 billion stars with most having planets (life?) I always wonder when looking up on a dark night, who's looking back - somewhere out there.

Dinner with friends - can't be beat
It was another day for motoring with winds around 5 kts and flat water. We headed west to the Pamlico Plantation to visit with Don and Liz Bunch, friends from the Poughkeepsie YC. They were waiting for us at their dock and Ann glided in for a landing. The water here can be skinny, especially with a west wind which blows the water out of the Pamlico River. We're down to 6.3 ft but it was almost 7 ft when we came in earlier today. We're told that there's no concern about getting under 5 ft which is our limit.

Sunset through the trees, very rural here
We plan on being here for several days and look forward to seeing Bill and Pat Zeising on Friday. Ann still has a cold so we're staying in quarantine at nights, sleeping on our boat. We're even running A/C at the moment, it's very warm here, high 80's during the day.

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