Cruising Tips

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pungo River Anchorage - at anchor

Hoolie relief is just to the right, at the sandy beach
The weather has been so calm and perfect this trip that it's eerie. Today it was warm with a high near 85, less than 5 kts of wind, flat seas - perfect weather to make good time in going south. Our usual stopover from Alligator Marina is the Pungo River anchorage where we're at tonight. When we arrived, we were the only boat in the anchorage, now there's four boats here. I guess we attracted a crowd. There's Hoolie relief at a nearby, sandy beach (the sandy part is important, don't want mud) so it has all the attributes we look for in an anchorage. Plus, it's only 10 ft deep and it's big enough for an armada!

A mile marker, we're getting down there, slowly
Ann seems to  be coming down with the cold that one of our crew had on the way down. So far I'm okay but only time will tell. We're due to visit with Don and Liz Bunch on Wednesday but that depends on how good Ann feels. We need to provision and take on water.

Always nice to see a sunset
Where we're at the next few days depends on Ann's cold. If we move on south, then it's Gale Creek just before going into the Neuse River, otherwise we'll be at the Bunches for several days.

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