Cruising Tips

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Charleston Maritime Center - we weather the storm

Looks like a wedding, the main office is in the building to the right
We had a severe thunderstorm come through last night with the cold front with winds up to 33 kts and the temperature this morning was only 58! It didn't even reach 70 today, cold, cold, cold! We've been advised by the usual ICW crowd that we're about one month ahead of the snowbirds heading back north. They wait for warmer weather before starting the return trip. However, we're committed now and barring any long term wait for weather, we should be home in time for the Anchors Aweigh Ball at the Poughkeepsie Yacht Club. We missed the event last year by one day;.

Once it warmed up into the 60's, we walked into town to explore the artisan shops in the main street mall. A resident can rent a booth in one of three, long buildings and sell their wares. It makes for  an interesting mix of offerings. You get jewelry, spices, hand woven baskets, beads and many, many items too numerous to mention.

The current can run 2.5 kts through here, notice the fender I have out - the fuel dock is next door...
One of the main attractions of the Maritime Center is the nearby Harris Tetter supermarket which also sports a Redbox kiosk. So we've been renting movies and catching up on what's been playing recently. At $1.30 per DVD, it's very inexpensive. Unfortunately, we hit some real bummers the last two night, perhaps tonight will be better! We did call John Kwak who's up the river a ways. He's not sure when he'll be leaving. We're due to shove off on Monday for the Awendar Creek anchorage. It's out in the middle of nowhere but we've been there before and enjoy the scenery.

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