Cruising Tips

Friday, April 19, 2013

Charleston Maritime Center - at a dock

Threading our way though 
We passed successfully through some one the shallowest water yet on our trip north but since we timed our passage with a high tide, it was no problem. Plan ahead I always say (somehow I didn't do that last year..., I'm trying to be better). Going at high tide means the difference between 4ft at some spots vs 11 ft! The tides in this area are much greater than you might think.

No quarter given to the high winds, everything up!
Coming into Charleston harbor, we were met by hundreds of boats. It turns out this is the weekend for Race Week and although the winds were in the 20 kt and higher range, everybody was out practicing. We had to turn the corner to go north to our marina and skimmed over shallows to avoid the racers. I had one eye on the depth meter and one on the boats but finally made the turn.

We were due to dock at the city marina but I thought I'd call the Maritime Center just in case they had a cancellation - and they did! We are now docked where we wanted to be and provisioned at the nearby Harris Tetter, one of our favorite supermarkets before the storm line came. We are under a severe thunderstorm watch and on the radar we can see the approaching line storm, very impressive with a lot of red.

We'll be here for three days  before moving on north again.

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