Cruising Tips

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Having fun in 51 kt winds, notice the storm display on the iPad at the helm
We did expect some windy weather on the way south but not this windy! The winds averaged 20 to 30 kts with gusts to 40 and one gust to 51 kts! The rain had arrived at 6:00 am and the wind picked up mid morning. As I covered yesterday, we wanted to catch the predicted good weather on Thursday for a passage down the coast to Atlantic City and so had to arrive at Atlantic Highlands by Wednesday which necessitated a Tuesday departure date. By 10:00 we were taking water over the bow and some were high enough to splash the dodger. We would have been soaked without the dodger and bimini!

The narrow entrance into the cove, avoid the rocks
We arrived at Haverstraw Cove by 1:30 and were we ever ready for a break! The route in is narrow but we've been in there before an just followed the GPS waypoints in the charts I posted yesterday and found no less than 6 ft MLW but you had to be careful to keep on the waypoint route given the wind and waves. We made it in safely and the change for the better was immediate, no wave action and very little wind. We nosed into the south corner and dropped the hook, whew! What a ride today.

Dinner courtersy of Elaine Ling, thanks!!
Wednesday we'll leave at our leisure, probably around 9:00 and aim for Atlantic Highlands. It should be a much better day.


  1. As someone once said...............Are we having fun yet?????? (It may have been me a couple of times cruising!)

  2. As someone once said...............Are we having fun yet?????? (It may have been me a couple of times cruising!)
