Cruising Tips

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Atlantic Highlands at anchor

Manhattan is always impressive
We spent a very quiet night in Haverstraw Cove. The rain stopped around 10:00 and the wind died down. We got up at a normal hour of 7:00 and left around 8:30, just after low tide and still had 5.5 ft MLW on the way out. The day was beautiful with full sun and calm waters. What wind we had was from the north so it helped push us south.

Joe Ling at the helm with George Washing bridge in the background
New York Harbor was as calm as we've every seen it and with the good visibility, there was no problem avoiding the many water taxis and barges. With the full sun, the enclosure was summertime warm, very nice. The view of Manhattan was spectacular!

Onward we went to Atlantic Highlands and found many boats waiting for the same weather opening we were looking for. There was a small craft advisory out for today but Thursday is predicted to be perfect for the trip south to Atlantic City.

Passing under the Verrazano Narrows bridge
We plan on getting up at 4:00 am for a 5:00 am departure time for the 82 Nm trip south. We hope to make Atlantic City by 5:00 pm while there is still daylight. We have no time to spare in the weather window so we only plan on staying one day before leaving for Cape May. Hopefully, Hoolie will do his business on time in the morning (you worry about such things when you have a dog on board).b

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