Cruising Tips

Friday, February 10, 2012

Key West - Lunch with friends and Schooner's again

The dog never stirred! She carried water on her belt.
Vic and Harela gave us a call a few days ago to get together while in Key West. They're from Chelsea YC on the Hudson River just south of the Poughkeepsie YC, our home base. They also came down the ICW in their sailboat but with a bit more of a challenge since it draws 6 ft (I draw 4 ft 9 in). Nevertheless, they made it down and are in the Key West Harbor YC on Stock Island, the next island east of Key West. Ann made lunch for all of us and we traded sailing stories - as sailors always do when they get together.

That afternoon we saw our first paddle boarders in Key West. They launched between two windjammers and paddled out into the harbor. The one in the lead even had a dog that laid down on the board very calmly as she paddled along. I can't picture Hoolie being that calm. We would both wind up in the water the first time he saw another dog or a bird got too close!
The Harpoon Blues Band in action

A band's view of Schooner's bar

Schooner Wharf Bar had a four piece band that we wanted to listen to and so we took Hoolie over with us and claimed a table in the corner. We were not alone in having a dog, there were at least a dozen scattered under the tables.

The band I thought was very good, the best we've heard so far. I would be interested in hearing what Mike thought of the drummer. I took a one minute video of one of their sessions, click on Harpoon Blues Band for the video.

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