Cruising Tips

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Key West - Awaiting Arrival of grandkids!

The Key West roosters run wild around here
Last year when we home schooled Matthew for two months when he came down the ICW with us after Christmas, his whole family came down to ensure he made the trip back! They enjoyed the time in Key West in February so much that this year, without prompting, they bought tickets to fly down for a week during their winter break for a little warm weather. They left the wintry northeast at 2:00 pm today and just landed today at 5:00 pm, welcome to warmer climes!

A sight you don't want to see coming at you on the water!!

So today was spent getting the boat ready for the invasion, two adults and three grandkids for a week. Except for Sunday when the temperature is only to reach 65F, the weather will be great with highs in the upper 70's. At the moment we are getting terrific winds out of the north, 20 to 25 knots with the temperature dropping to 70! It hasn't put much of a damper on Key West festivities as far as I can tell, the bands still play, the people still gather to listen, etc.

Familiar sight on Duval Street
I'm sure we'll have lots of beach time over the next few days, time for a change of pace on the boat!

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