Cruising Tips

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Marathon - we have to move

One of the many canals, condos with slips on both sides
It turns out that the mooring we were told to take was previously occupied by a boat with a deeper draft who was moved to a temporary mooring when the first mooring had to be repaired.  The temporary mooring was in too shallow water and the boat was touching bottom. The main office made a mistake when they assigned the mooring to us and today they politely asked us to move.

Always wildlife to see
However, we did explore the harbor today in our dinghy and went out the inlet to witness a flat ocean, there was just no wind at all - like a lake. The boats in the harbor are from all over North America with a few from the Caribbean islands - quite a diverse group. The weather continues to be amazing, no wind, temps in the high 70's and lows in the high 60's at night. We hope this holds up until our passage to Key West Feb 1. Sunday I have to look for a place to watch the Giants game. All up and down the coast we've had 30 to 50 stations to chose from but in Marathon we can only get three over the air stations, oh well.

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