Cruising Tips

Friday, January 20, 2012

Marathon - We get a mooring

Sipping wind, facing south, absorbing the sunset...what else to say
We look the long dinghy ride in this morning for Ann's walk and my run, body maintenance - even sailing it's needed. We finally got a call this morning that a mooring was freed up and we got our assignment. We weighed anchor and took on fuel before picking up the mooring.

Spencer's friend from the Nonsuch club, "Catnap"
The big event of the day was a call from our contractor that was renovating our kitchen. Today he started tearing out the old cabinets. At home we have 6 webcams installed at various locations throughout the house, looking inside and out. Two were set up to look in the direction of the kitchen and we were mesmerized watching Ron, our contractor, remove all the old cabinets, soffits and move out the appliances, all in one day. We can receive the realtime video on the iPad2, fascinating to watch. When he was done for the day, he called and showed us details of what he had done by holding the webcam and pointing it at items of interest, such is modern electronics. We'll continue our viewing until the kitchen is done, sometime before we get back.

The weather continues warm and dry, low in the high 60's and highs in the upper 70's, not hard to take. I bought a pound of local fish, Mahi-Mahi, and Ann did her usual magic (coconut encrusted Mahi-Mahi) for a super meal. We initially signed up for a week here before moving on to Newfound Harbor and then Key West.


  1. Bob and Ann,
    We have enjoyed your blog for two years. At one point to posted a link to an article you did on IP cameras. Could you direct me to that article again please? Thanks!
    Dave & Kathy
    s/v Indigo Moon

  2. Hi Dave,

    The article you want is on my website
    Click on the FamilyDownloads button and you will find the doc file posted there. The procedure was complicated so to remind myself how to do it in the future, I created the Word file for my own reference - but others have already used it with success. I chose to publish as a word file vs a PDF file because I wanted to embed direct links to web references. Because there are embedded links some virus programs will give you a scary warning, advising against opening the file. Not to worry, it's just the embedded links causing the red flag. The file is safe.

    The link to the specific file is

    Becausez the file is two years old, some of the links may be broken, let me know if they are - I'll update them

    PS, glad you enjoy the blog!


  3. Thanks Bob! I did a quick scan through your paper and all of the links worked for me - just so you know. Some products/prices may have changed but you paper will be very helpful. Thanks again!
    Dave & Kathy
    s/v Indigo Moon
