Cruising Tips

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Haverstraw Cove – At Anchor – “Where’s Summer!?”

No Summer Here!
What I want to know is, “What Happened to Summer?” I don’t ever remember a day near the end of May with a high of 60 (the predicted high for Atlantic Highlands today). We left the anchorage this morning and it could have been November or April but certainly not the weekend before Memorial Day! It’s clear that we left the warm south too soon. Today was the coldest we’ve been since leaving Poughkeepsie on September 15, 2010!

Having AIS was very helpful in this murk
At any rate, we headed north and the full enclosure was a real blessing, it was cold but we didn’t feel the 15 kt wind coming off the ocean. New York City was in a haze, partly fogged in and we couldn’t see the Battery until we got on top of it! On the other hand, there weren’t very many fools out in weather like this even though it was a Sunday in New York harbor.

Continuing north, we opt’ed for the Haverstraw Cove anchorage that we’ve used before, avoiding Fitchett’s Reef and dropping the hook in 20 ft of water. Inside here, the water is perfectly calm, no wakes and no waves (no fetch) and there’s a small boat ramp by the power station that’s perfect for Hoolie relief.

We expect to get a 7:00 am start or so to try as best we can to beat the ebbing tide that starts about the same time so we expect to reach PYC by 1:00 or so, slowed down by the ebb tide. It seems strange that what started out as a “forever” trip actually has an ending. However, we have a Long Island Sound trip planned and a vacation with the kids on a Jersey Beach in August followed by going south again in September (and another blog then) - so looking forward to the rest of 2011.

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