Cruising Tips

Monday, May 23, 2011

Back at Poughkeepsie Yacht Club – That’s All Folks!

Back at PYC - Where's the sun?
We had a foul tide all the way north to PYC, about 1 to 1.5 kts against us but we chugged along and finally got in around 2:00 pm. The weather continues to be miserable (Oh, why did we leave so soon!) We haven’t seen the sun since Atlantic City and nothing but gray, overcast skies up north.

Now our odyssey is over and it’s back to the rush of things “we have to do”. The blog will be restarted on 9/15/2011 when we launch our planned return down the ICW and back to Key West again next February. Be sure to join us again in September. For sure, we’ll stay just a little longer down south to give the north a chance to warm up before we subject our southern acclimation to northern rigors.

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