Cruising Tips

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vero Beach – Last day for the Acostas

Joe Acosta at the helm
The weather continues to be outstanding – sunny and 80 with no rain in sight. Today was just a day of just sitting in the cockpit and catching up on all the news of people we both knew. Lee and Joe are due to leave Wednesday morning so we went one more time to Riverside Café and once again the place was packed! It is obviously a very popular place in these parts. I strongly recommend the fish sandwich, it’s very well done.

This afternoon we noticed a school of fish swimming around in the marina. They weren’t the giant tarpons like we saw in Key West but rather a school of medium sized fish. The locals would know their name but I don’t, yet. They seem to be all over the place in the marina – but there’s no fishing allowed off the docks! Hoolie wanted to dive in and play with them but we convinced him to remain on the dock!
Hoolie's friends - can you identify the fish?

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