Cruising Tips

Monday, March 21, 2011

Vero Beach – The Acostas arrive

T dock at Vero Beach City Marina
We have an outside T dock at the City Marina which is the one that Marty recommended. It’s a concrete dock and very stable, easy to get on and off. We made good use of it today with the arrival of Joe and Lee Acosta, friends we hadn’t seen for 7 years, ever since they moved to Florida. They drove over from the Tampa area and we had a great reunion, another benefit from our Florida cruise – meeting people we would never otherwise see again.

Tonight we tried the restaurant under the bridge, a very busy place we later found out. Coming through the door, we headed for an empty table on the porch only to be told that it was reserved – I hadn’t know you had to reserve tables there. We settled for one closer to the door. Their seafood was very decent and we’re headed there again Tuesday night but even with one day’s notice, we still can’t get a table out on the deck – and that’s on a Tuesday! They said one opens up on Thursday. Oh well, the food is still worth going back again.

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