Cruising Tips

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Last Day at Branford

The great attraction at Bruce and Johnson in Branford is their pool. It’s well kept and the kids love it. They were in the pool for two hours in the morning and for two hours in the afternoon. It also drains a little energy out of the kids (but more out of the adults!) In the photo, Ann is teaching Natalie to float prior to swimming lessons.

After all that activity, one has to eat and what better place to fulfill that need than at Lenny’s. We headed out at 5:00 and was seated right away but by 6:00 there was a long line leading out the door and into the parking lot. Naturally we had the fried clams with bellies, best on the east coast.

Everyone’s left and things are certainly quiet around here, the silence is deafening. We’ll collapse early to rest up for tomorrow’s sail (we hope!) to Port Jefferson.

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