Cruising Tips

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Branford – 4:00 am Call

We awoke to a knock on the door at 4:00 am and found out that a valve on the water pump let go in my son’s house and was flooding the basement. With that, Philip and Monique left to tend to the problem and we had fun with the kids all day which included two trips to the pool and a ride around the Branford area in the dinghy. Boy are we beat, running around with kids can do that to you – did we ever have that much energy?

Of course the problem happened on a Friday night when the insurance company was closed and on a weekend when they were away. However, they have USAA insurance which is one of the best. The office was closed but you can report a claim on their website. Within an hour of the internet submission, a truck pulled up with drying equipment and went to work! The rug was removed, fans and dehumidifiers were installed and the floor cleaned. What service. I had a similar experience with USAA when I was rear-ended on a Friday afternoon. I entered the information into the USAA website and was scheduled an appointment the next morning at 9:00 am on a Saturday with a repair shop. When I showed up, he was expecting me and I was taken care of on the spot. All this is a digression from my usual blog post but I thought it was interesting that some companies still believe in customer service first.

The great weather continues and we have decided to stay another day so Philip and Monique can get some rest and enjoy a night out at Lenny’s on Sunday. It’s a good deal since Bruce & Johnston gives a 25% discount after the first stay during the year and a 5% discount on fuel. With the great pool and Lenny’s nearby, it’s hard to beat.

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