Cruising Tips

Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday at Block Island

We just decided to take it easy today and not do very much. I started a boat project, one of many, that involved installing an LED light dimmer. After about two hours of running wires (running of wires dominates the time all boat projects, at least the ones I take on) I discovered that the dimmer works by limiting the current through the negative wire. Since the boat has a negative ground and the light switch only has positive wires (red) to it where the switch only interrupts the positive current – I could not use the light dimmer. The negative circuit to the lights is common to all the negative wires on the boat, nuts!

After that we toured the harbor looking for Norbert who said he was going to be in Block this week but couldn’t find him. We saw an egret along the way. Maybe the heat convinced him to stay away. It never got over 80 today, mostly cloudy with rain now and then. We’ll watch the weather and may go to Cuttyhunk Saturday, or not – perhaps Sunday, perhaps Monday – whenever the weather is good, we’ll embark. Nice to be retired.

PS, Hoolie likes our cabin too. He arranged himself all by himself.

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