Cruising Tips

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Block Island - Where is Everybody?

Well, Block Island is far from empty. There are plenty of boats but the signs are there that things aren’t as they usually are. We had no trouble finding an anchoring spot, that was our first clue. The second came on our way into the Oar House for their famous Buffalo wings. We actually saw empty moorings at 6:00 pm, the lime green ones! When we reached the dinghy dock, there was empty spaces. Usually the dinghies have been three and four deep with no empty dock space, not so this year. Now it’s true that this is a Thursday night but still, it’s the peak of the season and in the past this has never happened. Once in the Oar House,, there was a table available right away, no waiting. In fact, as we ate we saw three tables become empty right next to the railing and remain so for several minutes. Evidently, there was no line.

With the decrease in traffic, we are enjoying our stay at Block Island. No doubt more boats will come for the weekend but I was still surprised at the lack of boats during the week after the 4th of July. Temperatures reached 100 again on shore according to our son and daughter (Connecticut and Pennsylvania) but Block Island remained in the 80’s. That’s hot for Block Island but so much cooler than the mainland. We actually got some sailing in today as we cleared out of the fog around Stonington on the way to Block.

The sun set behind a fog bank tonight so the sunset photo is not so bright but then we saw sun rays in the sky after the sun had set, unusual for us (see photo). We’ll probably stay here a few days and rest up. Eventually, we’ll head for Cuttyhunk and points east.

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