Cruising Tips

Monday, March 13, 2023

Key West - the kids explore

View from the top of the Shipwreck Tower.

 For their first full day our, the kids explored along Duval Street. They toured the Aquarium which is much better than you might expect. It doesn’t look so hot from the outside but it impresses once inside,

Same tower but in the opposite direction

From there it was to the 65 foot Shipwreck tower. It’s a hike to the top but it offer a 360 degree view of Key West where with some interesting history along the way.

Manatees in love?

We also had a visit from the local manatees in the harbor. They are not beautiful creatures, they have a face only a mother could love.

The rest of the week us up in the air. They won’t seem to be ones that plan ahead, take it as it comes, I guess.

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