Cruising Tips

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Key West - The flowers are starting to come out


The flowering trees are coming out

Part of our everyday routine is a stroll in the afternoon. Key West has many alleyways to explore between the major town roads and they are often decorated with flowering trees, bushes, and other colorful plants. It’s very pleasant to take a stroll and admire the scenery - and take photos. 

The orchids are always beautiful - many house have them outside by the sidewalk

We had our first rain today in over a week. It’s still the dry period in Key West and we’ll leave before the rainy season starts, which is nice that Key West designs their winters for the convenience of tourists. There has definitely not been the number of cruise ships this winter compared to previous years. It’s a rare day when there’s even one cruise ship in port and I haven’t seen two at a time since we’ve been here this year. Of course, I don’t mind, it makes for less crowded streets. 

Covid has just about run its course here and most everywhere else too. We are still asked to wear masks inside but nobody enforces the rule. Outside, nobody wears masks - but then with a steady 15 kt wind, there’s little reason to when outside and many of the restaurants are all open anyway. The one place we are careful to wear out masks still in on the bus - it’s an enclosed area and we want to be careful. We only ride the bus at non-busy times anyway so it’s not a problem. 

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