Cruising Tips

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Key Largo - Canvass fix


The palms are rather graceful in how they arc over the canal

It was a layover day since we were supposed to launch but the travel lift operator had a medical problem. Hopefully, he’s okay on Wednesday. The yard apparently only has one operator and if he’s not available, they don’t launch boats! They had first rate equipment here with a new looking travel lift and two very large dry storage lifters, both looked new. However, the yard is cramped, not a lot of room so the boats are packed. 

The canal is 75 feet wide but with boats on both sides in places
It can be quite narrow, plan ahead is the motto

I finally got someone to look at the enclosure to replace two zippers. It practically had to be a favor since he had work committed for the next six months. I think that if you wanted a guaranteed job in the Keys (or anywhere else!), just be a canvass guy. Every one I’ve run into has work for six months to a year in advance, great demand, small supply. 

We are now due to launch on Wednesday. If so, we’ll just move back to Marina Del Mar but on our boat in a slip vs in a room. I never thought I would consider $4/ft cheap but it’s a lot less than the rooms at $315/night! The first window to leave looks to be Saturday to Marathon at a bargain rate of only $3.50/ft. Funny how your calibration on rates change once you experience higher rates. We hope to move finally to Key West on Sunday, yeah!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Folks... we are still following along on your trip. Looks like you have landed well... I do have one question as we plan for our own first run to Florida and possibly the Keys. The Julia Tuttle bridge looks close for our 52' air draft. we regularly clear a 55' here in Charleston but do have to watch tide. What do you think and how much a factor is tide in the Tuttle portion of the ICW? I assume you went outside with a larger boat (we are a C36). If outside we would be heading for Marine Stadium as well... How did you route that portion of your trip? Thanks....
