Cruising Tips

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Titusville - last day


The morning before the storm!

In advance of the coming storm, I took Hoolie out for his morning constitution and the entire southern sky was red! You know the saying, "Red sky in morning, sailors take warning..." No truer words were spoken for this day at least. 

A peaceful photo from our day at the beach

We beat the rain by 30 minutes and basically holed up on the boat all day with the rain coming down. It was finally over around 2:00 or so, the sun came out, but it never warmed up, time to go south! I did the last of the boat chores for the trip and now it's early to bed for a first light leave in the morning. It's a little over 60 NM to Vero Beach and hopefully, we'll find someone willing to pony up since all the moorings will probably be taken. 

I included a photo from when we took a trip to the beach and saw this scene that looked so peaceful. A guy fishing although it didn't look too strenuous. I never did see him move while we were there. He sat in a comfortable-looking chair looking at the ocean. It looked like a nice way to spend and afternoon.

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