Cruising Tips

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Titusville - Dog park and sunset


Hoolie's tree in the dog park - round and round he goes

With the genset now working, it was a more relaxed day. It's an in-between time for cruising news since most people are already down here and not traveling north again until spring. Space in Florida is still very tight with no long-term slips available. Everything is still open around here. Masks are being worn for the most part but are not mandatory. For ourselves, we are strictly following masking protocol. Even if it's considered mild, we don't want it. 

Somewhat of a good sunset

The high winds have subsided for now so we took Hoolie over to the dog park. He just loves to run and be a dog - without a leash. Once he realizes he's headed for the dog park, he's like a tractor pulling forward - one direction - straight ahead. You would think the leash would part but it held together. 

We'll do our final laundry here on Wednesday, rent a car for Thursday, and get groceries delivered to the trunk the same day. Then we're finally ready to head south if the weather forecast holds. We were able to get a slip in Ft Lauderdale which we needed after the mooring field there was disbanded. It's a little warmer there too as we wait for a window to reach Miami, hopefully on Wednesday. Then it's another waiting game in Marine Stadium until a window comes up for reaching Marathon - but then it's much warmerer there, in the 60s at night and 70s during the day. 

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