Cruising Tips

Friday, January 28, 2022

Key Largo - still on land in a motel room


The original African Queen is in the yard for maintenance - the one from the movie!

The yard continues to make progress on Fleetwing. The keel has been derusted, the cutlass bearing fixed, and the sides are still being polished. Work continues on the damage to the aft section of the swim platform. The major work there is done, it’s now a matter of painting and smoothing the work completed. 

Brett Roach is the general contractor for the job and he’s been terrific

We were able to find a canvass guy. That seems to be a rare commodity anywhere in the US. All such providers seem to have work for a least 6 months out. I found a person through the contractor for my Fleetwing repair job that promised to squeeze in the repair of two zippers on my enclosure. Those are the most used part of the enclosure, used every time we enter and exit the cockpit. After 15 years, they eventually show wear and tear. 

At least we were successful in renting a car, this time from Enterprise - never again from Hertz! With the car at least we can get out once in a while.The cold air will even reach us tomorrow - down in the 50s for a high, and that’s cold for the Keys!! With the cold front comes high winds which will force us to stay put longer than we wanted too. Fleetwing is still due to be launched Tuesday morning but we won’t be able to leave Key Largo due to high winds until Friday at the earliest, oh well. So close (to Key West) but not there yet.


  1. Speaking of canvas, what do you use on your canvas to waterproof it? In an earlier blog you mentioned spraying something on it for waterproofing. Our bimini and dodger are very old (in need of replacing) but in the meantime we think it would help to spray it with something. Scotchguard??
    Jennifer Peters S/V Tempo

  2. There’s only one product you should ever use on Sunbrella, it’s 303 Fabric Guard.

    It’s the only Sunbrella treatment recommended by Sunbrella. The reason is that there are many types of waterproofing chemicals available but 303 Fabric Guard is the only treatment that uses the same waterproofing chemical applied by Sunbrella to their original canvass. Why switch to a different waterproofing chemical from what’s used by Sunbrella?

    I buy it by the gallon and apply it with a small paint roller once every two years, more often where the bows of the support Bimini meet canvass, it tends to leak there first.

  3. Just got caught up with the "rest of your adventures". So glad you are safe and at least found a close place for repairs.
    Take care and I hope the boat is complete soon!
