Cruising Tips

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Key Largo - D Day on Monday


The Cuban restaurant was founded by those that crossed over from Cuba in 1985. 
They have run a successful restaurant ever since, very good, "Fernandina the Bull"

Monday is when all the work on Fleetwing is due to be completed and ready for launch on Tuesday morning. At least, that is the plan. However, the weekend has been very cold, not conducive to drying of the paint on the fiberglass so when I go to the yard on Monday morning, I'll get a better feel on whether they are on schedule or not for a Tuesday launch. 

The flowers are starting to come out, even though we're not in Key West yet

So today was spent in suspense, wondering on the fate of Fleetwing. The winds have abated somewhat but the temperatures remain in the 50s, very cold for the Keys. Everything else has been completed on Fleetwing, the fiberglass repair is the last item to be done. 

With that, we will arise Monday and put out feelers on Fleetwing's status. We hope to launch and then we'll take a slip at the same motel we're at now and wait for good weather to proceed onward to Marathon and Key West but probably not until Friday or Saturday, such are the fronts coming down from the north.


  1. Bob, Perhaps an unfair question for your trials and tribulations in Caesars Creek, but...knowing what you know now, would you have done anything differently or taken any different countermeasures when you realized you were dragging?

  2. Changes in L'AttitudesJanuary 31, 2022 at 10:40 AM

    Looks like Fernandez the Bull Grill might have a few other places around the state ... I think I saw two or three listed when I did a Google search.
