Cruising Tips

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Key Largo - awaiting a repair estimate


We didn’t realize the damage was this bad at first

We are in waiting mode for an estimate for how long the repairs will take. I made contact with Progressive and they gave the go ahead to start repairs before the adjuster did the on-site inspection, a great time saver. We are hoping for a quick repair but we don’t know yet.

The cutlass bearing looks pretty bad in this closeup.

Meanwhile, everyone's complaining about the cold weather - it didn’t even reach 70 today. All that is supposed to change in the coming days, we’re extending our stay in the motel, no choice there, which is quite nice but it’s not a boat - and Key Largo is not Key West.

We just received the news that two of our grandkids (who are now in college) will fly down to visit us in Key West over spring break. That will be great fun. Sarah will have the aft cabin and the two boys will sleep in the cockpit or main cabin. We will have a crowd!

We hope to receive the news tomorrow in the repair date, waiting.

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