Cruising Tips

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Bethune Park in Daytona - at anchor


White pelicans are somewhat of a rarity but we saw this flock today

We left St Augustine at slack tide after a flood so were expected a foul current heading south but we got the opposite! Once out of the St Augustine mooring ball area, the tide started to pick up again and we got a lift all the way to Daytona! We were doing 9 kts at times but mostly 7.8 to 8.4 kts. It was an unexpected lift and we reached our anchorage by 2:00 pm. 

Veterans Memorial Bridge in Daytona - it's a beautiful bridge, finally finished

The anchorage here at Bethune Park is one of our favorites since it has a dock for Hoolie and a place to walk around to exercise him. There are a lot of boats anchored but it's a big area and we have always been able to find a spot in about 10 ft of water like tonight. 

Can you make sense of this? There's a different speed limit depending on whether 
you're going north or south in the ICW channel!

There's a storm on the way for Thursday for the next three days but Wednesday is clear and a good day to reach our destination for leg 1 of our trip, Titusville. We are still having a lot of trouble getting a car to go north in. The local car rental agencies don't like to rent one way trips anymore! We made a reservation with Hertz several months ago and we hope they will honor it but we've heard some are not, we'll see.

Nice, cozy anchorage, easy shore access via floating dinghy dock

It's due to be a calm night and it will be good to get settled and prepare for our holiday trip north before returning in January to continue on to Key West.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Bob,
    I guess I mis-communicated what I have been trying to do. I’m a CLOD now, so following your latest 24 hour track is really pleasant. It brings back memories of my cruising on the ICW. When I try to access your latest progress, I either get a position at Alligator Marina or your track from2020. It is probably something I am doing incorrectly. I still enjoy your posts. By the way, l loved what you wrote about living aboard. It really is more work than living on shore.
    Fair winds and Smooth sailing,
    Lawrence Leonard
