Cruising Tips

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Jacksonville Free Dock on Sisters Creek - at the facedock


We passed the naval base, there was a submarine in for refitting

Saturday was a much better day to travel south! The winds were light, less than 10 kts, and the seas were flat. We left around 7:30 and made the Jacksonville docks by 2:30. We had wanted to stop over in Fernandina but they were full when we called that morning so we just made plans to travel farther. 

Two more boats came in later for a total of five boats here tonight

We had friends over for wine at 5:00 and had a great time. Ann had chicken thighs in the oven which doubled as heat for the cabin. It's due to get down into the 50s tonight, we need all the heat we can get.

Strange sunset

We will head for Ft Augustine in the morning for a two-day stay to explore the art center and just walk around. It's getting cooler up here, time to get south. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your progress, we have been following along, but are way behind. What is your guidance about winds speeds on the ICW south of Morehead. The long range forecast is calling for strong north winds 10-15, 15-20, with high gusts. What is the sweet spot? Thanks.
