Cruising Tips

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Homer Smith Marina in Beaufort, NC - at a dock


Homer Smith has nice ipe docks!

We had a calm ride up the Neuse River, a relatively rare event but it was a good day for us. We haven't seen the sun now for about a week, nothing but overcast. We are ready for sunshine! 

The boaters' lounge is well underway, perhaps to be completed by spring

Tony of Homer Smith Marina met us at our dock. He had COVID and was down and out for a while but now he's fully recovered. His son Matt was there too and we toured the construction site where there were many workers on the project. It's going to be a grand boaters' lounge when done. There will be three bathrooms, a workshop area, washers and dryers, and a large meeting room with a panel TV. I think he'll have a wet bar there too. See the photos!

The boaters' lounge will have a 65 inch TV in the far corner

My adventures continue with the diesel worked on by Zimmerman. They replaced the prop shaft, shaft seal, cutlass bearing - all of which seem to be working fine. However, I found antifreeze in the engine bilge today and I'm in the process of finding out where that came from, the source of the leak. 

This is the first place I can recall where I see palm trees

We will do a massive shopping list on Thursday and provision for the rest of the trip south. We plan on ordering over the interest and drive in the courtesy car to do a truck pickup. It's a no-contact pickup. 

We plan on leaving for Swansboro Friday morning to continue our trip south.

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