Cruising Tips

Friday, October 15, 2021

Harbor Village - at their fuel dock


The Onslow swing bridge - we missed the opening by 8 minutes - no forgiveness here

It was a perfect day for making time. For a change, we had full sunshine all day long, light winds, no wave action - we motored right along. We covered a little over 50 NM but it was easy with the weather and wind. We made it to our dock by 4:30. 

Sarah is enjoying the sunshine - notice the massive pilings. 

Marc and Ruth dropped by to say hello. They're going south too and will also be leaving in the morning. There's some concern about the reported 5 MLLW at the east entrance to Snows Cut so they will probably try to avoid low tide. 

Ruth from the powerboat in front of us to say hi. 

The dockmaster here is great, the WiFi is good, the docks are first rate, plenty of ice, what's not to like? We will be leaving first thing in the morning which for us is around 8:15. We have to time our departure so we reach the Figure 8 Bridge at the top of the hour (10:00) since the next bridge only opens at the top of the hour and it's 4.5 miles away. I can't make that in 1/2 hour so I have to time the first bridge for the top of the hour to give me plenty of time to make the 11:00 opening at the Wrightsville Bridge.

Our destination is St James Plantation Marina where we will meet up again with the McKays who took us in several years ago during Hurricane Matthew when we sought shelter there during that storm. We will be there two days and then head south again, this time to Osprey Marina. 

1 comment:

  1. Ruth Cooper RUTHLESSOctober 16, 2021 at 8:14 AM

    Hi! This is the Ruth of RUTHLESS. Marc and I are long time followers and were very honored to meet all four aboard Fleetwing and have a chance to chat and share our appreciation for what you do for all of us cruisers. So happy you are heading through Snows at low tide before us…as a MY the first thing to hit is our (expensive to repair) props so we will wait until the tide rises a bit. We are so appreciative of your tracks though these problem areas. Thanks again for the shout out and I’m sure we will see you again along the way.This week is Five months non-stop travel for us, including two months in Maine. Safe travels to you and your family,, Marc and Ruth Cooper MV RUTHLESS -home port SHYC Miami Beach.
