Cruising Tips

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Beaufort SC - We visit with friends

The sunrise at Steamboat Landing anchorage

I took Hoolie to shore this morning with the second great sunset in a row! We are really enjoying the spat of good weather but it's due to end on Thursday with a cold front coming down from the north. We are going to rush along faster than we planned to make Jekyll by Wednesday night to ride out the storms. 

It will be a beautiful house

Meanwhile, we enjoyed a visit with Scott and Cathy who are building a new house. We toured the construction, it's going to be beautiful. It's due for completion by January. We look forward to visiting on our way north and seeing it all finished. 

Do drop by if you're in the area and have a chat

We often get visitors along the way that drop by to say hi. It's fun to meet people that enjoy the water life as much as we do! If you're around, drop by too.

We will leave early Monday to make for Savannah, then the Crescent River anchorage, followed by Jekyll Island on Wednesday to beat the front headed our way. We plan on two days there to let the winds die down some before heading south once again, this time to Fernandina. 

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