Cruising Tips

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Steamboat Creek - at anchor


Oyster Farm!

We had not been here for several years but it's as good as we remember. The octagon gazabo where we used to anchor is still there! Since then, we've moved farther into the creek to anchor off the dinghy dock, convenient for Hoolie shore excursions. 

The dinghy dock is perfect for Hoolie relief

On the way in, we passed by the new oyster farm near the entrance. The cages are not in the channel and easily passed by. They do not occupy the usual anchorage areas. The creek is deep (30 feet) opposite the dinghy dock but we don't care, we just lay out more scope, no problem. 

Serenity at anchor

The wind was blowing 20 kts when we arrived but has since calmed to 10 kts or less. There's very little traffic in the creek, very calm. We will head for Charleston on Monday and shop at Harris Tetter which is within walking distance of the Charleston Maritime Center where we have a dock reserved. 

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