Cruising Tips

Friday, May 14, 2021

Homer Smith - Last day (now approved by Google?)


What is that! It's ice. During the shrimp boat era, the room was filled with ice for keeping
the shrimp catch cold. Now it's just for transients, much less demand on volume.

The winds are finally starting to wind down but still in the 15 kt range. It's predicted to be less on Saturdayd so we're headed north. I took on water since there not good water north of here until you reach Norfolk. Much of the water you get at marinas on our trip homeward is well water and can be tained with tannin, giving the water a brownish look. Our Seagull filter takes it all out for drinking but less is better. 

This is the view from the front of the proposed new clubhouse. 
What you see should be filled with new docks next year. Home Smith 
knows where his future lies.

Homer Smith used to be a working shrimp dock but since the pandemic when all the restaurant closed, the business has gone away. They turned to transient dockage in a hurry and are expanding. They are adding docks in front of the old shrimp dock and plan on adding docks to the west of the large boat docks too. In adding the new clubhouse, they will have a first rate facility.

We saw a powerboat leave today that lost control in the high winds and hit the boat next to us. We don't want to experience the same problem so we're going to leave at first light before the winds pipe up. That entails an early departure which is not one of Ann's favorite things but this is an exception. The last thing we want to do is damage other boats! We hope to make the Pungo anchorage but it depends on what winds we encounter along the way. Then it's on to the Alligator River Marina the next day. 

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