Cruising Tips

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Free doc by Great Bridge - the price is right and the docks are first rate


Four hours of following this guy and hoping he'll make it through all the narrow bridges

Just before we pulled out of Coinjock, a doublewide barge passed by Coinjock. We didn't think anything of it since they usually are faster than us, but not in this case. We wanted to do 7.3 kts and the barge was maxing out at 6.7 kts. That part of the ICW is rather narrow so we just idled along. 

A very nice park was adjacent to the docks, good nature walks

We watched as he maneuvered through some narrow openings in bridges, he didn't have much leeway on either side. I had visions of him pulling an Evergreen and blocking the ICW for weeks! Those things seem impossible to steer anyway, they are so massive. 

The docks were first rate

We were the first boat on the free docks just south of Great Bridge. They are fixed docks and very well made (they would put RE Mayo to shame!) Tonight, there are only three boats here, plenty of room for at least four to five more. 

Atlantic Yacht Basin was across the channel and 
provided internet via OnSpotWiFi

One of the attractions of the place, other than it's free, is the adjacent park with walkways through the woods. With such opportunities, I took Hoolie out for three walks this afternoon. He's still suffering from his culinary indiscretion at RE Mayo. Fishing bait left out in the sun for several days is really not prime food for a dog. Hoolie thought it tasted wonderful - his stomach did not agree - it came out both ways. Hopefully, he's on the mend but we won't know until tomorrow for sure. 

Tomorrow we're headed for the Norfolk Yacht Clube for an overnight dock, then it's a hop up the Chesapeake for Deltaville and Fleetwing's home for the summer. We have a couple of day's work to put Fleetwing to sleep for the summer and probably some work on the boat by Zimmermans. 

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