Cruising Tips

Friday, April 2, 2021

Titusville - Tour through the Bio Lab Road


Making a stand against the winds

Another, lesser-known road through the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge is the Bio Lab Road. It borders the Mosquito Lagoon on the backside of Playalinda Beach. Like the Black Point Drive, it is also a toll road for those without a senior pass. 

How does he ever get anything down that neck?

It goes through the wilds of the park, more so than Black Point Drive, but in the high winds today (35 kt gusts) it was hard to judge the abundance of wildlife. I think most of the birds were hunkered down out of trhe wind! Still, we saw an alligator and a bird with an incredibly long, thin neck. It's hard to understand how they can eat anything and get it down between its mouth and belly. 

The everpresent alligators

The winds are due to howl for another 24 hours before abating to less than 20 kts. In the wintertime in Florida, it may be warmer but the winds do come and let themselves be felt. 

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