Cruising Tips

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Titusville - Storms coming through


Storms rolling through

Storms are coming through tonight. It's been very dry for the last several weeks so we're due for some rain. We're looking to get that out of the way before we start our trip north on Thursday. We had a pigeon stop by for a drink out of our dinghy which had some rainwater in the bottom. It was apparently the only place for freshwater refreshment for the pigeon. I thought he was going to mess in the dinghy so I greatly discouraged the bird but he was not to be put off - he was thirsty! 

And, there are more to come!

I eventually gave up, it was just one bird, but later on, I emptied the dinghy of any rainwater. The pigeon still came back but had no joy. Meanwhile, the wind blows and the storms roll through. At least there's no lightning, just wind and some rain. 

We're hoping for good weather for the trip north but no weather forecast is good beyond three days per my experience along the ICW. You just can't plan beyond that window so you go with the flow - of weather.

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